Year 2020: we are still here

This year has prooved to be the most difficult in the history of our company but we are still standing and we keep on fighting. Our shops in Bydgoszcz, Katowice, Łodz, Warsaw and Poznan are open and well stocked. We hope that the general change in consumer attitudes and habits after covid 19 will include…

Summer in the city

We keep filling our shops with new fabrics from Italy and Spain, every week you can find something new. In this hot summer we focus on shiffons, linen, viscosa and viscosa jersey – most recommendable for  the weather we are experiencing. It is HOT. And very soon we are opening a new shop – closer…

And a new web page

The novelties keep coming. The new layout of our page has finally arrived. We hope you like it. In March new fabrics flood into our shops. As usual: plain and printed silk, viscose, cotton and jersey. We try to satisfy every need. The pictures don’t tell it all but we try. To see the whole…

A new shop

In addition to our existing shops in Lodz, Bydgoszcz, Poznan and Katowice we have opened on 2nd July 2018 a new one: In Warsaw, not far from the city centre in Praga-Południe District, on Grochowska street 324. You will find similar selection to our other Jazz&Silk shops there – mostly Italian fabrics there – of…

A new beginning

Hello, we will do our best to keep you up to date with the news regarding our company, our shops and our activities. For know, the summer still reigns in our shops: new designs on viscose, new lace, new cotton, new shiffon and MANY new silks have just today arrived fresh from the wet and…